Friday, April 15, 2011

Everybody copies everybody etc., but this is just too awkward...

This is probably just some kind of joke and i'm a sucker...
Click on the pic and read her "About me" and quotes. Now where have i just read them before...oh, right!
I'm not saying i'm the only person in the world who has those quotes here but still.

And since when has dissing other bloggers been cool?
Just saying.


  1. Haha lame! :D Mut onneksi maailmassa on vain yksi sinä ;) <3

  2. Sad... And foolish. Rise above it or write her a short note saying how great it is to be part of the vintage blogworld were we all try to s-u-p-p-o-r-t one another...

  3. Very strange and sad. I am sorry you were the target of this person's insecurity and envy.

  4. What a load of .... She won't last long with that kind of attitude.

  5. Man that is uncool! I guess you should take it as a complement but yeah I agree with Diva, leave her a comment like that. If she want to be a good blogger she needs to change her attitude, blogging is hard work you cant just decide to write a blog one day and be super huge over night!

  6. What the? At least you called her out on it. I probably wouldnt have had the guts to link to her copy cat blog.

  7. It's a shame she started out like this. She could have had a nice blog.

  8. Eikö olisi ollut tyylikkäämpää lähettää henkilökohtainen viesti? Ksyn vann.

  9. Hei anonyymi, en usko että tollasen jutun yhteydessä voi puhua tyylikkyydestä ollenkaan. P.s. Onko tyylikkäämpää kommentoida omalla nimellään kun anonyyminä?

  10. No johan on! Muutaman kerran ennenkin törmännyt vastaavaan ja aika tylsää "varastaa" toisten tekstejä noin suoraan. Pah, sanon minä.


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