Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I like Beyncés new style (or should i say, her stylist?). It's a bit too trashy for me, but looks nice in music videos. And she obviously has a good sense of humour... I really like the furniture and the interior in this video too.
There's influences from the 50's and 60's but i'm seeing 90's aswell. And that's goood! My number one source of inspiration lately has been Vogue magazines from the 90s'. Really! I'll post some of the pics here soon, so you'll see what i mean.


  1. Except for the black outfit when she wears the cap, I would die for all of those clothes! It's a great video indeed, but I am not really fond of the song.

  2. Yep, your right, the song is not the best i've heard. But i think it's better that most of the top 40 hits today.

  3. She has been digging that look for a while, right? I think she looks very cute with that bettie page fringe...

    I use fringe but it kind of gives me a limit when it comes to what to do with my hair... I think I'll have to grow it back!

  4. Oh yes, so much 90s - the only part of the 90s that I really liked style-wise - it makes me think a lot of "En Vogue", though their songs were generally better.

  5. En Vogue has some really good songs that i like to play when i'm DJ'ing! And the style they had, this albun cover for example:
    Pretty cool! :)

  6. gnaaah, nyt tekis taas mieli leikkaa otsiksen takas ku sillä on niin kiva lyhyt sellainen tossa videossa :=

  7. Mutta anyways super ysäriä kyllä, sellaisella herkullisella tavalla.


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