Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fiona and friends in Olivia magazine

We had a photo shoot while ago, for Olivia fashion magazine. Here are some of the pics!

Photos: (the Amazing!) Niklas Meltio /
Make-up and hair: Miika Kemppainen ja Timo Karvinen
Style: Sanna Sierilä

But i did my own make-up and hair (like i always prefer to do)! And the stylist only dressed the model. We had a fun day! It's always delightful to dress up and goof around with friends!

Kinky Ricky, Fiona, Jean-Michelle, Anu, Kirsi.

If you want that jacket i'm wearing, you can buy it from!


  1. Fabulous shots! Looks like you had a good time shooting these.

  2. I saw that artical in Olivia. Nice photos! =D And now I can see better those brooches you have on black jacket. I have exactly same brooch than what you got there on top. You can confirm the fact by checking out photos in here --->


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