Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to...Me!

The color blue has imperceptibly sneaked into my closet.

I had a very, very happy birthday party in Club Anvil 26th november. It was the Depeche Mode night that takes place ones a year. And it was my birthday! :D

Me and my friend Mikko. (Yes, we had couple of drinks...)

Sara ( the sweetest girl in the world) and Me just goofin' around.

Me and my friend Tatu. I'm taller then he is, see?


  1. Kiitokset ihanasta kommentista ja hyvää myöhäistä synttäriä! :)

    Aivan ihana sininen asu sulla kuvissa, onko se vintagea?

  2. Happy birthday =)
    Check the nicest birthday-song I know

  3. Riikka: Vintagea hyvinkin :) Niinkun suurin osa mun vaatteista.

    Rhia: Kiitos, kaunokki!


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